Write My Application Essay: Feel the Edge of Elite Writers

When you are applying for a college of your dreams, you may want to ask professional writers, “Please write my application essay.” Normally, students are seeking professional assistance because they have no idea how to start a college application essay. To succeed and be enrolled in your dream educational establishment, you definitely have to provide a flawless paper. A properly written application essay plays a crucial role in the application process. Therefore, you should demonstrate a serious approach to writing a college application essay.
First of all, you need to be clear and concise in what you are writing and what idea you are communicating across. Second, you have to demonstrate your writing fluency and thus make sure that you can write in proper English without errors. Last but not least, you should be capable of making your piece of writing appealing and interesting to your reader by demonstrating what you are passionate about and why exactly you want to enroll in the specific college. All these things considered, you should also sound convincing when providing arguments on why you would like to study in this college or university specifically.
Since a college or university application essay is that important, you can ask a professional writer for assistance in writing. It will save you free time and at the same time decrease your stress levels. Moreover, when you choose professional assistance from custom writers, you increase your chances of success. When you provide specific requirements and instructions for your paper, you will definitely get an application essay specifically tailored to your needs. Elite custom writing service and our best writers guarantee you the admission essays edge.
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Application Essay Definition
When you get the assignment to write an application essay, you should make sure that you understand the application essay definition. So, an application essay is a type of essay writing, where you provide a discussion of your characteristics that demonstrate that you are worth being enrolled in a college or university. Moreover, it is a type of essay where you discuss your experience, skills, and features and try to sound argumentative in your claims as to why you deserve being accepted. Additionally, when working on a common app essay, be sure that it is recommended to mention how you will contribute to the college culture and in what ways you will benefit from being a part of the team.
The other commonly used name for an application essay is a statement of purpose or a personal statement. Be sure that application essay writing is an inescapable process if you want to enroll in a university or college. It is one of the fundamental processes of the admission process of some institutional affiliations while not all of them require admission essays from students.
College Application Essay Format
When writing an application essay, it is essential not only to work hard on the content but also to consider the college application essay format. Check out the following guidelines:
- Remember about the one-inch margin from all of the sides of the page.
- Format the text in double spacing.
- Left-align the text.
- Pay attention to the font: make sure it is legible (Times New Roman would suit best). Moreover, make sure the font size is 12 pt.
- Adhere to the required formatting style (whether it is Chicago, MLA, Harvard, APA, Turabian, etc.).
- Ensure appropriate college application essay heading and subheadings throughout the paper.
How to Write an Application Essay: Strategies for Successful Writing
It is essential to know how to write an application essay if you want to be enrolled in your dream institutional affiliation. Check out the following tips and strategies:
Read the Essay Prompt Carefully and Attentively:
- read the whole task or paper instructions at least twice in order to understand the requirements correctly;
- contemplate the assignment once again and analyze what you are asked for. Make sure you visualize the picture of your essay before you start brainstorming ideas for your essay;
- before you start the brainstorming process, make sure you define what aim you persevere with your essay. What is the main function or role of the essay? Do you want to defend some standpoint? Do you want to support some viewpoints? What would you like to elaborate?
- if you cannot come up with a clear essay purpose, ask yourself a question, “How does the information I plan to discuss or present relate to me?
Brainstorm Your Ideas
- start with self-reflection: what ideas come to your mind when you hear a specific topic; what strengths you can identify within your personality; imagine that your friends describe you – how would it sound; what qualities and characteristics make you different from the other applicants;
- write down the whole list of ideas that come to your mind. There is no universal technique that would work in the best way for every student but one of the first steps towards developing your essay is to have a list of ideas in front of your eyes. It will help you to remember them and choose those that are most relevant to you now;
- once you have collected all ideas, narrow them down so that you choose the most important things to focus on. Since most students have to provide a 500 words college application essay, please consider that you should narrow down the list of the outlined ideas and choose the three most important ones. Select those ideas that can help you maintain the interest of your audience and make you passionate about what you write;
- come up with the story you are going to tell. You may have many different thoughts and ideas but now it is important to mold all of them into one concise and comprehensive story. Make sure the story contains information about your personal qualities, professional characteristics, abilities, skills, accomplishments, beliefs, and opinions among other factors.
Compose a College Admission Essay Outline
- come up with a detailed outline that demonstrates the beginning, the middle, and the end of your application essay. With the help of an outline, you will be able to see a clear picture of your essay, particularly its structure and mode of the organization even before you have the paper written;
- make sure you decide on the opening paragraph and the information it provides. How will you open your essay so that it attracts the attention of your audience? Will you introduce a question, some statistics, a controversial fact, an anecdote, a piece of dialogue? Actually, this beginning of your essay will set the tone for the whole paper;
- keep in mind that you should be consistent when it comes to the writing style and tone.
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Move On to the Very Writing Process:
- narrow down the essay topic and elaborate only on the most important and relevant ideas. When developing the ideas, make sure you start with the most significant ones and end the paper with less important;
- be specific when presenting information about yourself as well as some justifications as to why you deserve to be enrolled. Do not use clichéd phrases and do not try to pursue the main aim of impressing your admission committee with some sophisticated sentence and vocabulary structures. Avoid generic phrases but be as specific as possible and provide details, facts, examples, and illustrations from your own experience. When applicable, pinpoint to the lessons learned by you or some insights you have derived;
- do not pretend to be the one you are not. Representatives of your admission committee receive plenty of admission essays on a daily basis, so one should really try hard to impress them. Remember that honesty, sincerity, and your deep interest is what is valued. Do not try to write in some flowery language or, what is even worse, to plagiarize from admission essays downloaded from the Internet;
- be concise and do not exceed the required word count limit for the common application essay.
Proofread the Paper Carefully:
- after you have finished writing your paper, be sure to edit and proofread it carefully. Still, keep in mind that you need to have some break between the writing and editing process;
- do not merely rely on automatic checkers, such as online spelling and grammar checkers, since they may not spot all mistakes. Therefore, be sure to review the paper carefully, especially if you are working on a scholarship application essay or an MBA application essay;
- ask another person (it may be your family member, friend, groupmate or an acquaintance of yours) to look through the paper. In such way, you will be able to get a critical and unbiased (hopefully) opinion on your graduate school application essay;
- try reading your essay backward. In this way, you will most probably spot some “hidden” mistakes as you will not concentrate on the content;
- read your paper out loud – it will help you find out how your essay sounds. You will also be able to spot some awkward sentences;
- pay attention to whether you are consistent throughout the paper: whether you use tenses as well as sentence structures consistently.
College Application Essay Prompts
Check out the following college application essay prompts that you may be required in your paper:
Share Your Own Story
Just focus on describing your personal features, namely reflect on your hobbies, interest, passions, what personality you consider yourself to be, what experience is the most memorable or influential in your life, etc. Just write honestly about yourself, try to be sincere and reveal your personality. Try not to merely provide a list of your accomplishments but introduce some specific facts that reveal more information about your personality.
Learning from Mistakes and Setbacks
Usually, students focus only on their strengths and tend to show only their best part. This strategy seems like idealization, which is actually not that much encouraged. Apart from focusing merely on your gains and strengths, pinpoint to your weaknesses, the mistakes you have made, some bitter experience (and what you have learned from it), etc. Therefore, do not be ashamed to mention some difficulties on your path – but at the same time mention how you managed to overcome them. If you have not managed to do it, pinpoint to what traits or skills you need to master in order to be able to cope with similar problems in the future.
Challenging an Opinion/ Belief/ Perspective
When you have this prompt (normally, you can encounter this one when you are writing an essay for Master degree application), mention a moment or a time of your life when your mindset was changed. So, recall this situation and describe it. What was the event or experience that challenged you?
Solving Problems
Students working on a nursing application essay may get this prompt. When addressing this prompt, a student can best demonstrate his/ her theoretical and practical skills when solving a specific problem. Do not only mention the problem but provide specific steps to how you managed to solve it. Mention certain skills and knowledge that helped you to tackle it.
Personal Growth
Here you can focus on any event that added up to your personal growth. When writing a narrative application essay, it is a great prompt to unfold the story. Focus on the changes in your life, on your accomplishments and failures, on anything else that led to some transformations.
What Interests You?
When addressing this prompt, focus on something you are captivated by. For example, if you are working on a law school application essay, it is recommended to focus on your professional interests, on the role of law in your life, etc.
Writer’s Choice
This is one of the most difficult prompts for students as they may be lost among the numerous college application essay ideas. When you get this prompt, do not overthink but try to focus on the aspect that is most topical to you right now.
Free Sample of Position Statement for Nursing College Admission
The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Doctor of Nursing Education (EdD), and Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) are all terminal degrees in nursing. According to Ketefian and Redman (2015), these terminal degrees reveal that the nursing professional is an expert in a specific specialization field regardless of the existing differences. The EdD program is primarily designed for nurses prepared at the master’s level to become nurse educators in staff development or academic settings.
However, Chien (2019) explains that the DNP focuses more on clinical practice, contrary to a research-based PhD. The DNP program will impact future practice by shaping the preparation for advanced practice roles by substantially influencing the master’s degree (McCauley et al., 2020). As such, this program will entail the acquisition of clinical practice skills and knowledge required to address complex care situations.
Essential VI: Interprofessional Collaboration
The sixth essential focuses on the improvement of population and individual health outcomes through interprofessional collaboration. According to Garritano et al. (2016), this DNP program prepares graduate nurses to engage in and lead interprofessional teams in healthcare settings by effectively executing leadership and consultative skills to create practice and policy changes. As an advanced practice nurse (APN), I intend to deliver holistic, patient-centered quality care in complex work environments, which requires optimal collaboration with other professionals.
Patelarou et al. (2017) state that nurses should consistently collaborate with other providers to execute evidence-based practices and make better health policies. The DNP program prepares the APN to collaborate with different professionals in various clinical settings, which captures my interest in being prepared to improve collaboration in clinical care.
Evidence-Based Practice and Research
The research aims to generate evidence, while evidence-based practice (EBP) focuses on applying this evidence in care delivery and decisions. Parrish (2018) defines EBP as the judicial use of the best research and clinical evidence to make care decisions after incorporating patients’ views, values, and interests with clinician expertise. However, nursing research is limited to the generation of evidence and new knowledge, which can then be used in the EBP process.
Current Practice
I am professionally a psychiatric and family nurse practitioner working in clinical and community settings. My role is to serve patients and populations with or at risk of physical and mental health problems. Peterson (2017) states that nurse practitioners are competent and skilled in offering health promotion, disease prevention, and management care across settings.
In this case, I offer mental and physical health services to individuals and families to enhance disease prevention, management, and health promotion. The DNP project's healthcare issue is the need to generate evidence on improving care quality and safety by enhancing compliance with nosocomial infection control and prevention measures in healthcare settings.
Evidence-Based Solution
One evidence-based solution to mitigate nosocomial infections is complying with recommended hand hygiene practices, such as washing hands with soap and water before and after contact with patients or contaminated environments. Andriani and Nadjib (2018) recommend hand hygiene as an effective evidence-based approach for decreasing these infections. Compliance with hand hygiene guidelines will decrease the transmission of infections through providers’ hands.
Effect of the Potential Project
The potential project will effectively reduce the risk of patients and providers developing hospital-acquired infections leading to significant improvements in healthcare quality, safety, and population health. For example, reducing these infections in patients will translate to quick recovery and shorter periods of hospitalization, leading to care cost-effectiveness.
At the same time, providers will be healthy, which translates to optimal service delivery to enhance individual and population health. Cases of workplace absenteeism in providers due to sickness associated with nosocomial infections will drop. As a result, patients and communities will receive quality care from a healthy workforce leading to better health outcomes.
College Application Essay Topics
In case you are the lucky one who got the essay prompt entitled “Writer’s choice,” check out the following list of college application essay topics below:
- Focus on an event that happened in your life, which has proved to be essential in the process of forming your own identity.
- Think of the last failure in your life. How have you managed to overcome it/ deal with it?
- Write about the point of your life when your mindset changed. What was that?
- What point of your life signifies the shift from childhood to adulthood?
- What is your favorite book? Did it shape you in some way?
- What are your top five life goals?
- What thing in life was the easiest and what thing was the hardest to learn?
- Think of the most embarrassing moment of your life and how you managed to cope with it.
- Was there a time in your life where you had to behave bravely? What was it? If there was no such time, would you like to demonstrate your bravery?
- If you had to give a TED talk, what would it be about?
- What are the top five things that make you angry? What is so special about them for you?
- If you could time-travel, what epoch would you choose and why?
- Is there any information you are afraid to reveal others?
- What is your dream for this time being?
- What piece of advice could you give to a college freshman?
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Application Essay Writer
Since you may not completely understand how to format a college application essay, how to start it or even how to end a college application essay, be sure that you can rely on the professional assistance of an application essay writer from our company. You are free to buy a college admission essay from expert and qualified writers at an affordable price. Normally, application essay writing required one to have solid experience and in-depth practice in order to be able to provide a successful paper.
Elite writers have all the necessary skills and features to cope with this assignment. We can cope with any type of writing and any topic. Whether you need an NHS application essay or any other, feel free to place an order with us. Moreover, we can provide an application essay for any major – even if you need a physical therapy application essay.
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When you get the paper, you can be sure that it corresponds to all paper instructions and is free from plagiarism.