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Animal Rights Persuasive Essay Example

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Animal Rights Persuasive Essay Introduction

The emergence of the idea of animal rights was caused by a set of various reasons. Although it is a natural order according to which the strongest one will survive, there are a number of ethical issues being raised in regard to the animal treatment by humans. The frequent incidents of cruel treatment of animals cause social concern worldwide, which has led to the formation of various environmental organizations such as Animal Liberation Front (ALF), Animal Defense League, People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), Progress for Science (P4S), Stop Animal Exploitation Now! (SAEN), Anti-vivisection Coalition (AVC), Animal Rights, AnimaNaturalis to mention but a few. The growing actuality of the issue has led to the creation of the term animal rights. The concept finds its support among the growing number of people who believe that animals should have the same rights as humans.

Animal Rights as a Controversial Issue in Society

This animal rights persuasive essay will make an attempt to research the idea of animal rights and discuss the controversies raised by this issue.

Modern society demonstrates rapid development in various spheres of life. Human values are also evolving and changing, increasingly taking a more ethical direction. However, at the same time, being focused on the improvement of the quality of human life, the majority of people have developed a cruel, and consumerist approach. Moreover, animals became objects of research.

The “Animal Subjects in Research” website shows and testifies that animals are suffering from science, but their welfare is also the subject of scientific attention. The example is the University of Delaware, which demonstrates the interest of educational institutions in animal care (Animal Subjects in Research).

They pursue an open policy of humane treatment and care, appropriate to the IACUC protocols. According to these protocols, every scientific laboratory and every worker or student should perform examination and tests only according to this approved research policy and take personal responsibility for their application. There could be two outcomes of the research. The one is determined when its results help to improve veterinary or human medicine or save human lives. Nevertheless, the opposite effect of science arises when domestic or tested animals die or suffer the consequences of testing being made on them. The availability of numerous possibilities to utilize living animals provided by the universities with the educational or/and testing aims, even under the supervision of a veterinary, does not secure from the accidents and violation of the so-called animal rights.

The "Follow AALAS on Social Media" website raises the issue of animal protection and initiates a dispute whether such animal-guarding organizations match the humane goals.

If the advocated principles of animal security and welfare during human researches are registered at the national level like the IACUC, it appears that an animal usage is legalized and even popularized (Follow AALAS on Social Media). Investigations are guided by the codes of ethics and statements of core values. These regulations provide benefits for both people and animals. The positive aspect lays in the efforts to draw public attention at local and international levels since it is the only way to solve this delicate issue. It should undertake legitimate qualitative studies with the support of animal welfare.

The modern society actively actualizes animal rights (Join AR2015). Conferencing and the active position of similar movements call for the entitlement and liberalization of animal rights. Its main ideas are based on the slogan “animals have the right to be free from all forms of human exploitation” (Join AR2015). The effect of these measures is concealed in improving the advocacy knowledge and skills directed at animal protection and ensuring their welfare. It also helps people to share the experience, study, generate new ideas, remain animal activists, and find support among like-minded people. The national and international levels of conferences and movements create the possibilities to spread well-grounded and effective practices and ideas. Working through the public, involving cruelty investigations and research, animal protection campaigns are initiated and actively supported. In this case, numerous voluntary and commercial organizations play a peacemaking role.

Owing to the evolution and coexistence with people, animals, possessing their accommodating temper, had come to assist and serve those (Working Animals). The article is beginning with the words “since time began, we have partnered with animals in our work” (Working Animals). Now, the issues of animal rights create and reproach some types of employment (animal husbandry and agriculture), some sports (horse races and hunting), and entertainment (zoos and sea parks). The lack of communication with the animals makes the usual human life incomplete and deprived of the connection with nature and the ways to know the world. On the other hand, the animals are still in use in the food industry, being the integrated part of an everyday human diet. The ambiguity of this issue can be solved by the emergence of technical and technological means, thereby transmitting the animals to the free "work off" existence.

Another aspect is the misconception of animal rights as a legal or social right, etc.

One of the main questions raised by the people holding a critical or neutral position states, Could animals have rights? The question is considered since previous generations have brought up this topic. Thus, subjective attitude to this issue should change the way of perceiving this almost social problem (What Is Animal Liberation). The answers are easy to find, especially when human beings will realize that animals have the same rights to live as humanity has. The dispute has an argumentative and social character since a person estimates another creature from his/her own human point of view – unique and only possible.

The ethical side of animal rights should be also examined as it concerns human feelings, active initiatives, and actions (Gruen).

Giving moral characteristics to animals, arguing that they have feelings, emotional reactions, people have come to the conclusion about their moral status. At the same time, feeling a moral duty and obligation, people admit that animals also feel pain. In this context, the important role of religion and cultural values should be noted. It is essential not to forget the importance of these values and the importance of the application of animal rights, including wild animals, as well as home and trained.

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The humanization of animals remains an interesting but still controversial assumption of animal rights (Humanization of Animals). The main point of the article emphasizes that “the "humanization" of pets is a continuing trend, whereby pets (particularly dogs and cats) are increasingly cared for according to human patterns, and human aesthetic standards are applied to pets” (Humanization of Animals). It is linked to the adoration and virtue. However, animals continue to be used as objects on the background of production and commerce. Hundreds of brands and a whole branch of veterinary medicine provide an opportunity for people to materialize their love for their pets, at the same time letting the enterprises make money. Another fact of tight interconnection between people and animals is anthropomorphism, which means considering animals as creatures with the features, characterizing human beings only. This fact can be attributed to the historical past, but some beliefs remain practiced in certain religions.

If considered more thoroughly, the issue of animal rights raises a discussion about whether one can reckon animal welfare among such rights or just do not exploit them (Lin).

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Although it may seem that the two positions are interconnected, there exist different views of this issue. Thus, it is essential to consider these two aspects both alone and in combination. The support of the animal welfare may be too expensive for some individuals; thereby, the supporters of animal rights may consider this as evidence of cruel treatment. However, it would be illogical and tactless.

Animal Rights Persuasive Essay Summary

To sum up, animal rights remain a controversial issue in society. Nevertheless, it forms an interesting dispute and actualizes the development of humanity and tolerance to those who are still weak and dependent. Thus, the problem of animal rights is being discussed in society in order to struggle for humanity in the world. Therefore, the issue of animal rights retains its sharpness, and this facet of coexistence of two different forms of life remains exigent, rising controversies between the proclaimed animal rights and the real actions for their protection in the society.

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