The Relationship between Female Coaches and Male Athletes
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The Abstract to a Persuasive Essay about Sports
The research was conducted with the mission of identifying the causes, effects, and outcomes of female coaches and athletes relationships. The relationship between coaches and athletes is highly legalized. However, there are limits that these relationships should not cross. Any sexual relationship between coaches and their athletes is not legalized and may affect the performance of the team. The relationship between coaches and their athletes should be strictly professional.
This study was detailed to find out the factors that bring these relationships, and why there is a lack of the steps that can end this catastrophe. It wanted to find out the way these relationships can be avoided, and the way the relationship could be kept professional. The study also wanted to identify the ways these relationships grow to become sexual. The persuasive essay about sports and gender also wanted to know the ways to eliminate male dominance in this field. Furthermore, the best ways, which can be used to help to relax this situation, has also become one of the topics of this research.
The Introduction to a Persuasive Essay about Sports
The relationship between coaches and athletes is very important. The success of each player is dependent on the relationship between coaches and their athletes. The coach should be able to handle all matters and avoid any of their players being affected. Many of those, who fail, lack the composure to handle all problems. A better and enhanced relationship is the key to better performances of the athletes. Trust is also another factor that a coach should exhibit. Many of the studies state that people of the same gender should be involved, but there are various reasons that oppose this. This is attributed to the fact that the representatives of the same gender understand the feelings of each other (Hardman, Jones, 2011).
The field of coaching is currently being dominated by males. This is amidst the call for gender balance and equality among many state officials and citizens. Female coaches are increasingly taking the male-dominated field. Concerns over the relationship between coaches and athletes are gradually on the rise. This is literally the opposite of what is meant to be. Many of the male coaches are said to have a sexual relationship with their athletes. This is one area that coaches ought and should respect. The relationship between coaches and athletes should be strictly formal. This means that they should relate with respect to what they do. Any other relationship, apart from the formal one, is disregarded by the sports committee.
The sexual relationship between coaches and athletes has risen to a rate that special attention is needed. Many of the female athletes claim to have undergone sexual torture at the hands of some male coaches. The impact of his relationship may have negative side effects on the rest of the team. Female athletes have been praised by many coaches on the aspect of becoming as competitive, as men are. Female athletes are, however, said to be much disciplined, and do not oppose, as compared to the male athletes. Based on the fact that men were known to have better experience in the field of sports, this is what has made it become dominated by men.
Female coaches have been making headlines, as they have become very competitive like men. Success is what drives men, and this is the reason why they dominate the field. Men are said to be aggressive; thus, can do anything to make sure that they achieve what they want. Coaches are supposed to be the pillar, from which the athletes get their inspirations. Coaches must be very careful to ensure that they give the best knowledge to their students. Coaches should, however, be very cautious in order to avoid giving words or instructions that will negatively or too positively affect the athletes. These two parties share a considerable amount of time. They share many experiences that are emotional; this may lead to the growth of a bond. This bond should be carefully let to grow and the coach should ensure that it does not exceed the limits. This bond is said to be very delicate between male coaches and their female athletes (Sabock, Sabock, Sabock, 2011).
The Female Coach/Male Athlete Relationship
Many of the studies about this field have been conducted are varying in their assumptions. The field of sports is very crucial, and ultimate coaching is very important. Men coaches, as indicated by many athletes, are known to be very determined. Success is the main aspect that makes it possible for men to occupy that post. This has led to the dominance that is witnessed everywhere. This dominance is led by the fact that male coaches are said to be very aggressive. This is the aspect that has led to the lack of many female coaches in the field. Female coaches, as explained by some of the athletes, lack the aggressive nature, which can be found in men.
Men have historically dominated the athletic arena. Up until Title IX was passed in 1972, women were not even permitted to participate in athletics and to organize sports teams in colleges and universities. Things have drastically improved since the implementation of Title IX, but our traditionally patriarchal society still imposes some barriers. Therefore, the number of women holding prominent positions in sports, such as management positions, coaching positions, agents, and athletic directors, has been minuscule, as compared to the number of men holding such positions. While women’s intercollegiate soccer has grown rapidly over the past three decades, men still hold nearly two-thirds of all head coaching positions in NCAA Division I women’s soccer programs.
Men coaches are said to be very punctual. This is attributed to the fact that they plan every detail that involves any opponent and comes up with the notes that will be of importance in defeating a team. This also has seen men coaches take every detail of any loss or win and use it for references in the future. This is an aspect that many female coaches lack; it has made them less successful, as compared to men. This means that male coaches are known to expect much from each athlete and they must perform extra hard. This is an aspect that is known to lack female coaches, leading to the dominance of male coaches. This has also led to the male dominance witnessed in this field. The aspect that women from late 1970 were not allowed to participate in sports has also accelerated the male dominance in this field. This tradition was carried along even today, and it has not been accepted that female coaches can coach (Lau, California State University San Diego, 1992).
Even with civilization, male dominance is also experienced, as they continue to coach female athletes. Women's involvement in sports is becoming a practice, but it has not been taken that women should lead. Another aspect that has led to male dominance is discrimination. Six former female coaches reported that gender discrimination, the centrality of male coaches, and rampant homophobia in the U.S. collegiate coaching were the reasons, why they left the profession. Some of the female coaches based in the US claimed that discrimination had made male dominance prevail. This has barred many of them to fulfill their dreams of coaching. Discrimination is also the problem that has made many of them quit and forget chasing their dream.
Coaches play an important role in the development of an athlete. They impact psychological, emotional, and physical factors, which are very important in the development of an athlete. This has led to the development of a bond, which the coach has to nurture until it matures. This bond is achieved if complementarity, closeness, and commitment are achieved. Closeness is defined as feelings of trust, respect, and appreciation; commitment is intentions to maintain the relationship over time, and complementarity is behaviors of cooperation like responsiveness and friendliness. This makes the coach responsible for the growth of this bond. Female coaches are said to understand the feelings of players well, as compared to the male ones.
The gender of the coach and the athlete is known to impact the degree of satisfaction with training, instruction, relationship interdependence, and sport-related achievements. Female coaches are known to be very good at assessing the emotions and feelings of an athlete. This is the aspect that makes them seem better, as men coaches lack this aspect. This characteristic is exhibited when male and female work together, as compared to the same gender representatives working together. Studies also indicate that if female coaches and female athletes work together, then they are interested in the training and instructions impacted. Some studies also indicate that male athletes prefer to be coached by a male, despite the performance of a female coach (Killmer, 1993).
Experiences that female coaches get also have a great impact on the dominance of males in this field. This is in regards to the fact that female coaches find it a normal thing to coach male athletes. The personalities of the athletes also represent a great force in the dominance of males in the sports field. This has, however, had a criticism, as they are not supported in the right manner and also are discriminated against. The lack of machines and mentoring is an aspect that plays a part in the dominance of males in coaching.
Female coaches are seen by many athletes as lacking focus and being not organized. This is an aspect that is very critical in the field of coaching. A coach has to be very organized and has to focus on success. This has led to the male coaches dominating the coaching industry. Female coaches are said to lack punctuality. They are never on time and can never get the players to be prepared. Female coaches are also said to lack practice schedules, making it hard, so that more time is taken to achieve these practices. Female coaches have been found to be more “empathically accurate” in assessing their athletes’ emotions during interpersonal interactions than male coaches. Furthermore, from the athletes’ perspective, it was found that the most empathically accurate were females working with male coaches, and the least accurate were females working with female coaches.
Female coaches are said to have new ideas daily. This makes it hard for the athletes to digest, proving that female coaches are incompetent. Female coaches are also said to have a habit of forgetting some of the important practices, making them not achieve what they want. Proper records should be kept for future references that would be used in such a situation. Male coaches are said to impose harsh consequences to those, who break rules and regulations, as compared to the female coaches, who are said to consider different aspects before providing a ruling. This is led by the fact that men coaches are said to be very aggressive and demand a lot from each player, as compared to the female ones.
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The Conclusion to a Persuasive Essay about Sports
The relationship between female coaches and male athletes is very important. Each coach has the responsibility of overseeing the bond between them grow and get to the point of professionalism. Female coaches may be very incompetent in the way they handle some issues, but they are very efficient when it comes to recognizing the feelings of an athlete. This makes female coaches better, as they understand each situation well. The studies conducted have indicated that female coaches need more than just understanding to make it in the coaching field.
This states that male dominance in this field will still be evident, as many of the athletes stated that female coaches are not competent. Many of the athletes also said that they prefer men coaches, as they know what exactly is needed from each athlete. The relationship between male athletes and female coaches should be exercised with respect to dealing with feelings. Female coaches nurture a relationship better than male coaches. Female coaches are known to be very emotional and are able to deal with various issues better, as compared to men.
However, female coaches are not that competent to deal with athletes but should be among those, who lead the athlete, as they understand other things better than men do. Men are supposed to oversee that the success of the team is accomplished, and women are supposed to oversee that the athletes are well supported. Female coaches should, however, try to come to the level, where the men are so that they can become more competitive and effective. Female coaches should emulate all that men do; they should realize that success is achieved if they ask for guidance. Men coaches should also try to teach female coaches in the right ways to coach in order to ensure that they achieve success.
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