Nursing Essays

Contemporary Nursing Practice

Today, the healthcare system faces numerous changes related to new technology, education, and evidence-based practice. Respectively, the role of nurses has also changed. Professional nurses have Associate and Baccalaureate degrees that allow them to offer high quality care. Nurses do not take ...

Nursing Process Theory Critique

Abstract Ida Jean Orlando-Pelletier relied on her empirical studies on patient-nurse relationship in the American setting and emerged with the nursing process theory. The theory remains one of her main contributions to the field of nursing and guides nursing practice concerning patient ...

Nursing, the Concept

This work provides the precise analysis of one of the concepts of nursing practice under the name “caring”. At the current moment, there is no any one single definition of this notion. Thus, the current work will provide numerous definitions, which incorporate distinct characteristics ...

Parish Nursing in the New Millennium

They say, “We think in general, but we live in details.” In today's pragmatic world people tend to forget about on a first glance simple things and do not pay much attention to events that are beyond their everyday concerns. We do not think about the elderly people, but this is what ...

Personal Nursing Philosophy

I chose nursing as my profession because nursing is not simply work of helping other people but a calling to me. I have never struggled to give aid to those needing it. It is an honorable career where I put myself in the shoes of the sick taking their pain as though it were mine. Patients cannot be ...
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