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Starbucks Essay: Useful Writing Tips and Samples

Starbucks Essay

If you are not used to writing essays regularly, writing one can be a daunting assignment. It can be a lot of work where you will have to research, draft, and plan in order to write an essay. The task may seem difficult if you jump into it head fast without conducting any research or planning.

Tips on how to write your Starbucks essay

Begin by researching the topic. In this case, you need to investigate this company and learn a little more about it. You can begin by visiting their company website, social media sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter among others. You can even consider going to one of their coffee shops to get a feel of how the company works and the type of services they offer. An essay that is well researched is fantastic. Therefore, do not be afraid to spend more time on this step.

After you have researched the company, you will need to plan the layout of your essay. Begin by crafting the message you want to put across and how you will use your researched information to support your message. You can draw a simple structure of how you would want to present your findings. At this point, you haven’t begun writing your essay but you have completed the biggest part which is the introduction part. This is after doing away with planning and research, and then proceeding to put together your ideas and create the content. Follow the structure you have made to create the body of your essay, draw on your research and within no time, you will have the writing done.

The introduction and conclusion are best written after you have completed the body of your essay. This is because it is very easy to introduce something that you have already written and it’s logical to write a conclusion immediately after you are through with the body of your content. Your introduction should give a reader the full overview of what to expect in your essay, while the conclusion summarizes your main points and propose some opinions.

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A sample of Starbucks essay and structure

  1. Provide a brief history and introduction

Starbucks is among the most popular coffeehouse chains in the globe and is located in more than 50 countries and has hundreds of thousands of employees. The coffeehouse is reputable for offering different types of coffee beverages which they serve cold or hot. Over the years, the company has made huge profits by providing one product which people enjoy. Despite the company offering only one main product, how has it managed to create such wealth every year?

  1. The thesis statement which is the last sentence of the introduction should guide you on what your body and conclusion will talk about. In this case, the body should explain why Starbucks has been very successful over the years.
  2. Strengths

The name Starbucks comes to mind when people think about a special retail coffeehouse. This close relationship between the brand of the company and the consumers’ perceptions enables the company to charge top dollar for their product, despite the high competition. Starbucks being the world’s largest coffee chain has the power to extract terms that are favorable from its suppliers. One of the major strengths of the company is the praise it gets from its role in improving the well-being of the coffee planters by paying good prices for the products they receive. 

The company’s leader Howard Shultz is also another pillar of strength in the company, since the inception of Starbucks; he has guided the company through good and bad times. The leadership has stayed well over competition and many decisions that were risky proved to be beneficial in the end.

Starbucks also has employees who enjoy doing what they do to make the company a better place. They enjoy their work because they believe the company treats them fairly. This employee satisfaction translates to better services to their customers. This is why Starbucks was named by the Fortune Magazine as one of the top 100 best companies to work in.

  1. Opportunities

Despite the company being recognized in the coffee industry, it only has a 7% share of coffee drinking market in the US and only 1% around the world. Therefore, there are huge expansion opportunities for the company that is emerging in China and India. 

  1. Conclusion

Although Starbucks has been the leading coffeehouse chain, it has been feeling pressure from competitors like McDonalds due to their relatively low prices. Starbucks should also subsidize its prices for their product without distorting the quality. If the company does this, it will realize more and more profits and be able to expand to other areas. The experiment they performed on one of their markets in Seattle has proved that if they lower their prices, they will compete favorably with McDonald and other competitors.

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