APA Case Study Format

A case study is one of many research instruments or strategies that are widely used by students, who are studying a particular issue or situation. Case studies are usually assigned to sociology, psychology, education, and anthropology courses. If you are experiencing some difficulties with this task and do not know how to write a case study in APA, we advise you to learn the following guide. It will help you understand this task better and become a skilled case study writer. So, there will be no need for you to put your "write my case study for me" request in the search engines.
APA Case Study Writing
A case study is an assignment that aims to investigate a certain problem and offer a good solution. They may range from academic studies to corporate promotion tools that aim to sell specific goods. Whereas the research paper focuses on the reader`s attention to the specific idea, a case study goes far beyond. In particular, a case study requires (APA 7th edition changes) the student to pay attention to the smallest details, as well as investigate the issue from different perspectives using various research methods. As every problem in human life can be treated from different aspects, each case study demands a unique approach.
Think About the Research
As well as in many other academic tasks, in writing case studies, research goes first. Undoubtedly, being a student, you cannot be considered an expert. Therefore, your statements without evidence do not have much value. Reading different sources with different experts` opinions will help you come up with the most effective solutions for the analysis of your topic.
Best Steps for an Effective Start of APA Case Writing
- First of all, it is better to surf the web for credible and relevant sources.
- When the list of sources is ready - categorize them according to the ideas discussed in them.
- Think about the key aspects of the topic you want to discuss in your case study. This process is called brainstorming. It consists of writing down all the ideas that come to your mind.
- Another great idea is to find several of the most substantial sub-topics and focus on them.
- Now it is time to think about the key solutions. Do not hesitate to rely on the class discussions, your personal experiences, or class readings.
- Now the preparation stage is done. So you can start to create a great case study outline and follow it point by point.
- While writing your key study, it is better to select the best solution and develop it.
BONUS HINT. If you want to get additional points for your paper, here is an elite tip for you. Use several methods for collecting and analyzing the data. Your professor is guaranteed to add a few additional points for such a multifaceted approach in your methodology chapter.
The Next Step is to Write a Draft of Your APA Case Study
When the research is done and the key ideas are selected, writing a rough draft is not a problem. We advise you to check the grading rubric and prompt once again to ensure you move in the right direction. Knowing all the criteria and following the correct assignment structure, you will be able to create a truly great case study that will impress the most demanding professor. If you feel that you cannot do this task well, feel free to break it down into several pieces and write each of them separately.
- Case Study Introduction. Introduce your topic to your target audience. A good introduction to the case study should contain enough background information on the results of the previous studies on your topic so that the audience could familiarize themselves with the topic chosen. At the same time, do not overburden your introduction with unnecessary details. The length of the introduction depends on the length of your case study.
- Case Study Aims. The aim of your case study is suggested in your thesis statement. It should outline the scope of your research emphasizing the issues you want to tackle.
- Case Study Methods. It is crucially important to inform your audience about what methods you used to collect your information. This section may include all interviews, academic journals, statistics, or observations.
- Case Study Results. As the name suggests, this section is dedicated to the results of your research. Tell the audience what did you discover and if it has some theoretical or practical value.
- Case Study Discussion. This section should give answers to the following questions: why did you pick this specific topic? What did you find about it? Are there some alternative approaches to its analysis?
- Case Study Recommendations. Keep in mind that it is not a research paper, so your conclusion should not only restate the ideas discussed in the paper but also give practical recommendations.
Learn How to Write a Case Study in APA Format
Experts from EliteWritings.com have created a lot of case study APA papers. They got years and years of experience. And now you are reading their explanation in detail on how to write an APA case study. According to them, your paper needs to be double-spaced. According to the case study format APA, your paper will include an abstract, a main body, and a reference list. Also, it should contain a running head on the top left corner of every page. Also, you have to use Arabic numerals for putting in page numbers.
Title Page and Abstract to APA Case Study
In APA, a title page is a separate page that contains only the name of the student, the name of the instructor, the educational institution, and the running head.
An abstract usually contains a few sentences and serves as a summary of the paper. According to the APA guide, an abstract should take 200-250 words. If you do not know how to cite a case study in APA, feel free to find good samples available on the web or address your instructor for assistance.
How to Cite Case Study APA
The best way to cite an APA case study is next: when you quote or paraphrase some text, you need to mention the name of the author and the year of publication. Purdue Online Writing Lab suggests the following quotation:
References in APA Format
All sources used in your case study should appear in your reference list alphabetically. The information from these sources should follow the common order: the name of the article, the date of publication, the title, and the publisher.
A finished entry can look as follows:
I search daily for the good topics to study new something daily, but your content of the article is too good.