Critical Thinking Essay Topics

Whenever pondering on one of the critical thinking essay topics to dwell on, students should try to avoid the widely used ones, for instance, euthanasia, suicide, legalization on prostitution or drugs and, etc., unless they have specifically been assigned to compose their pieces of writing on one of such topics. The key idea is that professors at different educational institutions are well aware that instead of trying to generate their own ideas or considerations, students choose one of the countless pieces of writing composed on the topic and rewrite content.
We think that you would like to avoid being accused of such fraudulent things. Thus, you should try to find a problem that you have a specific point of view on and make a thorough and in-depth analysis of it from various angles. In case no sound ideas have occurred in your mind, why not check out the list of critical thinking essay topics provided below.
Topics for Critical Thinking Essay
Have a close look at the list of various topics for critical thinking essay on a wide scope of disciplines and scientific fields. Take into consideration that the list below is not an exhaustive and final one and may be expanded with a great number of critical thinking essay topic examples. It is worthwhile noting that sometimes composing a critical thinking essay involves handling various types of topics.
- What features or aspects can make a true movie producer? Is it acquired or innate?
- Why has not humankind yet managed to reach robotization in writing fiction, translation, fiction writing, and preparation of website content? Are there any limits to what robots cannot and can perform?
- Explain what Kurt Vonnegut 'Slaughterhouse-5' is actually about. Try to make your personal interpretation of the metaphorical language of the novel.
- Could literary devices contribute to improving the quality of a piece of fiction?
- Are space discoveries, explorations expeditions, and related research essential to humankind or are they simple wastes of time, money, efforts, and other resources, including humans?
- Who were the first men on the Moon? Are we well aware of the whole real truth?
- Do you think that investing in space expeditions and explorations imply investing in the further economic development of humankind?
- Is it a smart idea to develop and invest in the space tourism industry?
- Are space colonies the only alternative of survival for humans or simply sci-fi concept?
- Is it reasonable to legalize steroids use in sports? In case steroids were legal, their application would not lead to any competitive benefits, and thus none of the athletes would have the edge over his or her fellow-competitors.
- Does co-gender education in different educational institutions have a positive or negative effect on the students’ performance?
- Should modern society provide support to homeless people? What are the cons and pros of this issue?
- What effects does violence highlighted by modern media have on the young generation in the future?
- What are the reasons and consequences of an unhappy marriage?
- What are the effects of the employment relationship engaged in different fields of the so-called “gig economy”?
- How could science and technology transform humankind in the future, for instance, in 100 years? What dangers and consequences could this transformation have on people?
- Is life imprisonment one of the cruelest punishments?
- What is the true nature of politics and politicians? Consider its effect on public opinion, interest group activities, political parties, and political organizations.
- Have nurses who have obtained anti-bullying education experienced less bullying in their workplace?
- How do modern writers affect their readers? What strategies, approaches or techniques do they utilize?
- What rights and status does a female employee have in the Netherlands?
- Critically analyze one of your favorite soap operas, movies, or cartoons.
- How have gender stereotypes affected Asian-American and Hispanic-American communities?
- What are the most efficient ways that could be applied to reduce or eliminate sexual harassment in the working place? What countries have managed to resolve this problem and in what ways?
- What are the cons and pros of being a vegan?
TOP 10 Critical Thinking Essay Topics Ideas
We have completed the list of critical thinking essay topics ideas and provided practical tips on what you could write about in your pieces of writing.
- Should medical insurance cover diseases that result from alcohol and drug addictions?
Make an analysis of several articles that are related to the chosen topic using different internet databases. Mark a few citations that you could cite in your piece of writing. Dwell on your personal attitude towards people that take alcohol and drugs. Try to complete your essay from the perspective of your viewpoint and support it with pieces of evidence taken from relevant sources.
- What were the reasons for the 2008 global crisis in the world?
Find relevant sources on the internet and make a thorough analysis of the origins of that crisis and its effective resolutions. Have the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other developed countries provided efficient interventions? Has the 2008 crisis finished? How did the global economy and that of each specific country react to its results?
- What similarities and differences do US social welfare institutions and those in the UK have?
Firstly, briefly highlight the social welfare overall development in the context of its history, culture, as well as development. Make a comparison of the development of US and UK social welfare institutions. How has the policy on poverty reduction affected the situation in the USA and the UK? Discuss the current situation in the USA and the UK, focusing on their social legislation. Connect the relationship between the reduction in the poverty rates and the development of welfare institutions in the UK.
- What positive or negative effects do managers or leaders have on their subordinates?
What are the essential qualities and features of leaders in a company? Does being a senior manager or a leader mean having plenty of power and control? Is the proposition “the more power and control the better” effective and truthful? What tools, methods, or strategies do companies apply to manipulate their workers? How can a leader avoid corruption?
- Is the Affordable Care Act an effective solution?
Present your point of view on the Affordable Care Act. In your opinion, what are the key strengths and weaknesses of the Act? Dwell on your point of view, taking into consideration the fact that the following Act will require that all people should buy insurance; otherwise, they must serve a penalty. What would you prefer to purchase insurance or to be fined? Have you ever applied for health insurance? Why or why not?
- How can educational institutions encourage their students to develop critical thinking and meta-cognition?
Firstly, you should indicate what the essence and nature of meta-cognition and critical thinking are. How can such skills help students at educational institutions and further in career and life? What strategies, practices, or techniques should educational institutions implement in their programs?
- How can senior managers affect successful employees so that they behave in a specific way?
It could be pure luck in case you have productive, brilliant and industrious employees in your team. Let us imagine that there are some controversial and problematic issues that one of the employees cannot agree with or her or his behavior and attitude is wrong in a certain way. What behavioral, psychological or other strategies could be applied in order to change his or her behavior?
- How have a modern and exquisite healthy eating trends affected the food industry worldwide?
Choose a corporation that has successfully been adopting a healthy eating policy for its products and services. Has this corporation succeeded in realizing its set goals? Has its strategy worked out? For instance, we can analyze McDonald’s with its milk-free drinks and soy hamburgers. In your opinion, are the above-mentioned products very popular among the customers? How does the corporation promote the following sub-category of products?
- What is the significance of critical and analytical thinking skills in academic writing?
Firstly, you are supposed to collect some info on the topic from various up-to-date articles, interviews, your personal experience, observations, etc. and then come up with your viewpoint. Think of the list of elements a skilled and experienced academic writer should do to become an excellent and successful professional. Why is it essential? How can this aim be achieved by the writer?
- Why is the marketing strategy by Apple unique?
You can select several of Apple’s products and make an analysis of the ways the marketers utilize to promote specific products. What effective strategies do Apple’s marketers apply? How do they usually introduce novel categories of Apple products or services? Can these methods or strategies be implemented in other corporations? In what ways?
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Critical Thinking Essay Topics Examples
Before you refer to our critical thinking essay topics examples, we would like to attract your attention to the term “criticism” and its meaning. The term “criticism” for the majority of people is usually associated with a kind of condemnation, specific identification of different negative elements, aspects, or points of view. You could think that composing a critical essay should be aimed at smashing all the arguments of the author and showing how unreasonable, weak or negative his or her piece of writing is. Though, in fact, this is a misleading consideration.
Our original critical essay topics highlight that criticism means an analysis that is supposed to identify both the positive and negative aspects of a specific subject under analysis. A critical essay is a piece of writing in which it is imperative to make analysis and evaluation of any work (article, thesis, report, book, film, etc.). We have completed the list of critical topics that could assist you in coming up with your original ideas for essay writing.
- What effective and nature-friendly strategies should be applied worldwide in order to conserve and preserve nature and its variety for other generations?
- Solar energy: What if the sun would disappear forever?
- Green energy: Does this technology have its negative and positive aspects?
- Is it possible to find a new civilization on other planets?
- What are the key concepts of modern conspiracy theories?
- Was Shakespeare a real person or just a group of talented artists?
- Possible or parallel worlds: Are they real?
- What does the term “humanism” mean in modern society?
- When will extraterrestrial representatives freely contact our humankind?
- Is it possible to find effective drugs for all diseases?
Essay Topics for Critical Thinking
Below are several essay topics for critical thinking. Please carefully look through all of them before you take the final decision on what you will focus on.
Impact of Advanced Technologies
We are currently living in the 21st century – the age of telecommunication and digital technologies. A great number of companies specializing in a specific branch of ITs have appeared since this is the most demanding direction. For instance, 20-50 years ago, humanity could not even imagine that computers would fit in the palm of the hand and support many functions and operations.
The Homelessness Problem
As a social concept, homelessness is included in a wide range of social, political, economic, civil, cultural, psychological and legal conflicts, due to which an essential part of the population in the modern society is constantly deprived of the necessary housing conditions regarded as an integral aspect of the social policies followed by the civilized society in the modern legal countries. Homelessness has become an evident phenomenon due to urbanization, population concentrations, and over-population; though, it must not be referred to as an urban problematic issue.
Drug Abuse Among the Youth
Teenagers experiencing the lack of emotional satisfaction and warmth from different contacts with other people commence compensating this by means of drugs and alcohol. If at the following age, teenagers at a disco or a party tried drugs for the first time in their life. With time they would become addicted to drugs or alcohol, but the likelihood that they, being under the effect of narcotic intoxication and different “age crises and problems,” decide to die “a beautiful death.” In all parts of the world, healthcare specialists are highly concerned, since the number of suicidal behavior cases among adolescents and teenagers is constantly increasing.
It is imperative to stress that Xenophobia is referred to as intolerance, dislike or hatred for anything or anyone alien, unusual or unfamiliar. The natural fear of the unknown results in intensifying in specific conditions of related or mutual info concerning isolation and unfamiliarity with the customs of other people.
The phenomenon of Islamophobia is referred to as one of the strongest and most evident manifestations of fear and ignorance in the modern world. This is a type of Xenophobia, which is a collective and general definition of different forms of negative reactions to the representatives of the Islamic society and Islam in general.
Factors Resulting in Different Types of Juvenile Delinquency in the USA
In accordance with the US official statistics, the largest number of recorded crimes is committed by teenagers or young people at the age of 16 -18 (about 40%). As people grow up, juvenile offenders become more dangerous and hard to change. In terms of the motivation of the juveniles’ criminal behavior, special imprints are imposed by certain characteristics of the teenagers’ psyche. If this issue is not treated by the President, Government and other state and federal authorities accordingly, the rates of crimes will increase in the nearest future significantly.
Could Microaggressions Become a Manifestation of Bullying or Even Racism?
It is significant to conduct in-depth research in modern literature related to this issue. It is also of great significance to determine different forms of microaggression, discrimination, bullying, and racism. What are the differences between microaggressions in the working place and types of sexual harassment? Have your family members, friends or you ever faced any acts of microaggression in your educational institutions, groups, and social media? What type? What could society and you personally do to eliminate this issue?
What Is the Relationship between Ethics and Critical Thinking?
Commence with the definition of the concepts of critical thinking, as well as ethics. Indicate the steps or stages of the critical thinking process? How can modern students apply critical thinking when problem-solving and studying? What do you know about the Ethical Lens Inventory? Ponder on how your personal norms of ethics affect your everyday decisions.
Effects of Video Games on Children’s Development
At school, in society, as well as in the families, there are increased concerns and discussions devoted to the negative effects of computer video games on the development of children. Today all the children are crazy about computers and other technological devices, especially computer games. While playing computer games, children become active participants of various events taking place in the virtual or possible worlds. As a result, they cannot sometimes determine where there is a reality and where there is a possible world. Unfortunately, parents are sometimes incapable of understanding that they are guilty of this problematic issue.
Multicultural Society
The concepts “multiculturalism” and “multicultural society” were first introduced in Canada in the middle of the 1960s. The phenomenon these terms designate has become well-known for many centuries. The term “multiculturalism” or “multicultural” is applied in three specific contexts, including politics, relating to different political institutions; empirical, presenting various societies; and, lastly, in social and political philosophy and theory. In all the above-mentioned contexts, the terms are utilized by both opponents and supporters of such a phenomenon.
Why Do Rich People or World-known Celebrities Commit Serious Crimes?
Some people become very rich or famous as a result of the crime committed, some rich or famous people keep acquiring their wealth and popularity due to smart scams and scrupulous frauds, and some previous millionaires, who have fallen down from the Olympus of money and prosperity, do all possible or even impossible just to restore or prolong the success and charm of their luxurious lifestyle. Whenever such unbelievable stories become known to the general public, huge scandals erupt, but the real motives behind those crimes are best understood even by a modern kid: the rich people do not have enough money and they start cheating, killing, or stealing. But it is a quite bizarre issue when people who have no evident financial problems or who could live without any felonies commit crimes.